Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberries and cream

It's been a hot week here in the Alpujarras, with temperatures in the shade reaching 28 degrees centigrade and more. It feels more like July or August than May, but the extended forcast suggests temperatures are to lower again next week to a more seasonal norm. In order to keep on top of work here the household has moved into 'summer mode' which means that we are all up and out working by 7.30am, but retreat at about 2.00pm to enjoy a leisurely lunch and the finest of all Spanish traditions, the siesta!

Of course, as a dog, I get to siesta quite a bit, winter, spring, summer and autumn, but I want to declare here and now that where work is concerned I am there with the tall ones, cheek by jowl, offering advice, inspecting the work and ensuring that we are all progressing in the right direction and that nobody is taking his or her eye off the bone.

Then there is the well being of our guests to think of. I try to pass by for a chat at least once a day to make sure they have all they need and that Ella isn't bothering them too much. Recently we have had the pleasure of the company of Jim, Sophie and their new baby, who is, unbelievably to me, called Ella. I'm sure that had their baby been a boy he would surely have been called Fergus. I must say she seemed delightful with a beautifully happy looking face and I hope that the family had a relaxing time here. These comments were to be found in the visitors book on their departure:

May 24th 2009 Our third stay at Cortijo Opazo and the first with our five month old daughter. Another lovely holiday thanks to the beautiful scenery and Robert and William's great hospitality. All our worries about holidaying with babies soon disappeared with such a warm welcome. Looking forward to our next visit. thank you Robert and William for once again being the perfect hosts! You're stars! We'll be looking at that availability calendar when we get home. Sopie, Jim and Ella.

And from the garden this week, the bounty has commenced. Along with lettuce and rhubarb we are picking broad beans, chard, broccoli and strawberries - see picture above.

Yours, with cream in my whiskers,


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Up 'The Dog's Bottom'

Strange title for a blog but that is where I have been today, or as it is known in Spanish, the 'Culo de Perro'. This is one of the main river valleys of the area and today we chose to walk the section that leads up from Trevelez, the highest town in Spain, into one of the deep gorges of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Now, as you know if you have read previous entries of this dogblog, I am a great walker, possibly one of the great dachshund walkers of my time, but I am not partial to exercise in the heat. Today, being sunny and summery, looked like it might make me struggle, but as soon as we were off I realised that whilst the skies were a startlingly clear blue, there was going to be a light but refreshing breeze. This put me in good stead, and it was best paw forward all the way round - a walk of some 5 hours or about 15 kms.

The water was tremendous. At all times of year - and I have done this walk at all times of year, believe me - there is enough water in the valley to wet your paws and keep you cool. Today, however, with the heavy snow fall of winter well on its way to melting, there was a raging torrent throughout the valley. Ella nearly got herself swept away by its force - well, what do you expect from a mut with such spindly legs. I was fine with my low centre of gravity, but I noticed that the tall ones kept their feet well out of the main flow whenever possible.

Tonight, as I watch the sun set across the garden here at Cortijo Opazo, I realise that for a dog going on 11 years I'm in pretty good shape, there aren't so many around here who could comfortably tackle the 'Dog's Bottom'.

As a type of footnote I must refer to the fact that I seem to have the beginnings of a fan club. Discussions have been had about me from bookshops in Sussex, England, and suggestions made for my leisure time reading, anything by Virginia Woof or Edith Sitwell - this I will pass on to Ella. My thanks for these suggestions, if only I had leisure time enough in which to pursue them. If anyone else wants to send me a suggestion or two but has trouble commenting directly on this blog, then my persoanl secretary will be happy to pass them on from:

Yours, from the recliner,


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baking in the sun

Forgive me if the above picture gives the impression that I spend my days idly baking in the sun; far from it. This has been a busy day, saying goodbye to our guests and preparing the accommodation for the next arrivals. Dave and Margaret have been with us this week, for their fifth time! This year they brought with them their Australian friends, Gavin and Angela. As always, the weather has been kind and they have seen much of the beauty the area can offer in May. Evenings have been spent watching the sun disappear behind the mountains. Ella has done more that anyone wanted in terms of entertaining but we all know what a nuisance she can be.

I happened to glance at the visitor's book as I was carrying out my usually inspection of the prepared accommodation; here is what out guests have been kind enough to write:

Dear Robert and William,
Thank you so much for our stay. Our first time in Spain, what a beautiful introduction to a new country for us. We will treasure this week for the rest of our years, remembering the various walks and villages in the surrounding area. The friendly people and beautiful food and fauna have enhanced a memorable week.

Gavin and Angela, Brisbane, Australia.

And from Dave and Margaret themselves:

No wonder people keep coming back.... a little piece of heaven on earth (5th year in a row)

Along with preparing the accommodation the two tall ones have been busy baking bread and preparing a feta cheese and spinach lasagna for our next guests. Tonight we welcome back Jim and Sophie, who are returning here for the third holiday with us, this time with their new baby. I'm not sure I heard them correctly but it seems she is called

Yours, from the sun chair, aghast,


Friday, May 15, 2009

Bedding Bonanza

The two tall ones have been busy again today, adding adornment to the house in the form of a gorgeous display of bedding plants potted up in tubs. Such a display of colours seldom seen in the Alpujarras. The house is already famous for its window boxes of bright red geraniums - all you have to tell people is that you are staying at the house with the red geraniums and they instantly know what you mean. Now we shall give passers by something else to marvel at - not that we have many passers by along the quiet lane to Atalbeitar.

You are probably wondering how I can appreciate such an array of colours since dogs are supposed to be colour blind. That may be true for creatures such as Ella, but you have to remember that as a dachshund, I have special abilities.

Yours, in multi colour,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Down at the veg bed.

I spent a very pleasurable day down at the vegetable garden supervising the proceedings. I noted that the tall ones have put up some defences against the wild boar that caused damage recently. This being the case they have toiled under the sun today planting tomatoes, beans peppers - red and chilli - onions and leeks. Peas were also weeded and given some sticks for support.

Apparently now is the correct time to be planting since the moon has moved into the waning phase and so the roots of anything planted will be drawn down into the soil.

Whilst working we had a visit from Dave, our current guests, and we could see he was casting an envious eye on the strawberries, so William presented Dave, Margaret, Gavin and Angela with a selection of the fruit later in the afternoon. Margaret assures us they go down very well with sparkling white wine.

More planting tomorrow.

Yours, from between the rows,


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Heading up hill

As I mentioned in my last dogblog the summer has arrived and I am not an afficionado of hot weather. Walking is all well and good and presents a chance to encounter new sniffs and cats to terrorise. Despite the limited size of my legs I can often walk 20 kms or more in a day; but please, not in hot weather. Today we took a stroll to a location above the nearby village of Capilerilla, and it was all up hill. I have a lot of body mass to shift with each pace and did not appreciate the sun beating down on my two layers of fur - wire haired dachshunds are well known for their double coat. The tall ones who walked with me, Robert and his sister Philippa, seemed undaunted by the change in the weather and steamed on - no doubt they knew about the drinks and tapas awaiting them at the wooden hut where Haidé and Cristo are currently residing. And speaking of refreshments, not a morsel was cast in my direction.

This week we have welcomed back Margaret and Dave who are here for their fifth stay and have brought two Australian friends, Gavin and Angela. It is always a pleasure to welcome back previous guests to Cortijo Opazo, although Ella always goes a little potty and lets the side down.

Yours, in the shade,


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Arrival of summer

May 7th and summer has arrived. Deep blue skies with a light breeze and a strong golden sun in the sky. I've been watching the two tall ones create a new space in the garden. They seem to have extended the 'ruin' they built last year and are now painstakingly laying natural stone on its side to form a patio area. Standing by in the wings are a selection of flowering plants that will be trained over some ancient chestnut beams to create a shady pergola. This along with the improvements they have made recently to the water tank will make the square garden close to the house a veritable paradise to relax in. The only sounds that might break in to arouse ones mind are the gentle croaks from the frog who has taken up residence in the pond.

Tim and Amanda have spent a lovely two weeks with us in 'El Lujar' on the occasion of their honeymoon. Here is the kind message they left for us:

This has proved to be a fabulous location for our honeymoon. Fantastic walks with the added interest of wonderful flowers and wildlife. Thank you so much for the delicious food and your kind hospitality.

Amanda and Tim, May 1st 2009, El Lujar
Tim also wrote and extensive and most interesting list of the wildlife they had seen, but they omitted to mention that pride of place as the most distinguished example of animal life must surely go the the dachshund now writing this blog.

Finally, disturbing news from the vegetable garden. When up taking a dawn patrol this morning Robert startled at least two wild boar as they breakfasted on our newly planted potatoes.

Yours, on the defensive,
