Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thanks for coming back.

Another gorgeous holiday at Cortijo Opazo! Fourth visit and counting. Second with our daughter Ella - now nine months and loving Robert and William's Ella!! A friend for life! As always, Robert and William, you were perfect hosts. What else can be said other than we'll be back soon.
Jim, Sophie and Ella, September 2009.

These are the kind words left in our guest book by Jim and Sophie, who had a relaxing holiday with us. They saw quite a range of weather, including some of the worse rain and hail ever seen in the area, but they also enjoyed walking in the September sunshine and playing on the lawn with their daughter Ella, who is totally adorable, especially when she smiles, which seems to be much of the time. What she needs to learn is that still waters run deep, and whilst I, as a pedigree dachshund, may not cavort in the cheap manor that canine mongrel Ella does, ultimately, spending time with me is always going to be more satisfying. The tales I can tell and the sniffs I can guide her to are more than she could possibly dream of. But I guess my charms will appeal to her more as she grows older and wiser. Below is a picture of our Ella when she was a puppy. Look at those deceivingly engaging eyes, but notice also her early fondness for STICKS!

Autumn does seem to have come early, although in Spain the last day of summer is officially September 21st and so we are indeed into the season of mellows mists and fruitfulness. An article on the television news announced that this summer has been the hottest since 1970 and the third hottest on record. From my point of view it was a little warm, but really quite bearable as long as I was allowed to remain in the shade. Today, it is windy and we have had 10mm of rain so far. What will the winter ahead bring?

Yours, reaching for a woolly blanket,


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