Saturday, June 27, 2009

On guard duty

We've had to put some effort into repelling the borders this week. The shepherd, otherwise know as 'Pastor', has been a little relaxed in respect of keeping his flock penned in. He has a large black goat with a handsomely long beard who takes no truck from anyone. Each night, after the shepherd has put the flock into the coral, this particular one waits until he has been left alone then stealthily climbs out of the pen. One or two of the braver young goats follow and they spend the night roaming or sleeping where they will. This inevitable means the odd excursion onto our land and into the garden. So far they have done no real harm but unless I keep up the guard it is only a matter of time. Ella is of little use depsite her agility. Today, for example, when Robert threw a stone to scare off the goats she thought it was a game and ran off to retreive it, totally ignoring the four goats who were snacking on the echinacae.

It's been a full house again this week. In la Corona we have had a couple from Holland, Marion and John, and in El Lujar there has been Helen and John. Both couple have departed today, leaving the place feeling a little quiet for a short while. Helen and John, who know Spain very well, have been enchanted by the area, John by the bird life and Helen by the tranquility and beauty of the garden. On leaving they were kind enough to write the following in our guest book:

Without wishing to be repetitive, we echo the sentiments of the previous guests regarding the quality of accommodation and service at Cortijo Opazo. And instead of feeling like one more in a queue of tourists we have felt more like welcome house guests. You would have to be pretty world-weary and cynical for Cortijo Opazo not to work its magic on you. So much beauty of place. The serenity of the cortijo, together with Robert and William's industrious efforts to always improve the amenities make it very special in the world of 'holiday lets'.

We, too, thoroughly enjoyed a home produced four course meal, served with "esmero" and humour and would recommend all future visitors to include a dinner at Opazo - well worth it.

One can take as much or as little from a holiday as you wish. But even if you take the minimum of what's on offer at Cortijo Opazo you will be the richer for it than any of the hordes down on the coast. ¡Que viva Opazo! Thank you R and W.

Helen and John, London - staying ten nights in El Lujar June 2009.

Marion and John were also very enamoured of the whole set up here and were clearly reluctant to leave. They wrote us a little play in our guest book, but this blog would become too long if I copied it out.

Today the weather has been perfect, a fresh 25 degrees with a light breeze and dazzlingly blue skies. I feel strangely energetic, which is not at all like me during the summer months. Due to heat up a bit in the week ahead. Better keep my eye on those goats, looking for a shady flower bed to take a siesta in.

Yours, from the look-out tower,


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