Friday, June 12, 2009

Strange goings on

Kite surfers on the Valdevaqueros beach, Tarifa

Robert, pretending to be a bear!

We've been left on our own this week. Well, not entirely on our own, but the two tall ones who usually look after us were missing. Instead Alan, our friend who takes us out walking, came to stay and carried out the usual dog related chores. Fortunately for me he wasn't aware that William normally supervises us at meal times to make sure Ella eats all her food. It wasn't hard to distract the silly creature by pretending there was a feather adrift on the road outside. She became frantic to go out and chase it, leaving me free to finish off her dinner. The tall ones accused me of putting on weight when they returned, but how much weight can a dachshund acquire in just two days - quite a lot, thank you Ella?

If I did gain any extras I consider it as fair wage for the increase in my work load. With the owners of the house away I had full responsibility for looking after our guests, Ruth and Zubran, who were here on their honeymoon. I think I can safely say their trip was a memorable one, so I deserve a little bonus.

The reason for the absence of the two tall ones was that Robert had some acting work to do in Algeciras. He tells me that he and two others, Haidé and Cristo, have formed a small theatre company and have been touring with a play about a bear who is searching for his true identity. Strange business indeed, a bear is a bear, a dog is a dog and a human is, well, there to feed us all. Looking at the picture above he seems to think he can fool the audience just by putting an old flower pot on his nose, no wonder he was confused about his identity. William was there to take photos, so at least somebody was doing something useful. After that they took the chance of spending a night in Tarifa, which, I am told, is a place well worth a visit since the coastline is extraordinarily beautiful with some of the most golden sand I have seen - in photos only, of course, although they have promised to take Ella and I there on a camping trip in September.

I wonder what the sleeping arrangements will be in a tent.

Yours, from the airbed,


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