Monday, January 5, 2009

On Being a Dachshund

Being a Dachshund brings with it certain responsibilities. Firstly, you have to remember that you are a pedigree and therefore must behave with a sense of dignity and decorum. We come from a long line of well bred short legged hounds, ideally raised for hunting purposes. Many people make the mistake of thinking we are small dogs; but well formed specimens such as myself, weighing in at a little under 15 kg, are simply big dogs with short legs. Yes, there are miniature varieties within our spieces, but quite frankly, these just let the side down. We are tough, strong hunters bred for catching badgers - and if you don't believe me try prizing a bone from my jaws, I guarantee you will come off worse.

Our personalities are without flaw. We are good conversationalists and are well informed on a wide range of topics. We like to sit in warm places and have been known to offer comfort to the tall ones by sitting on their feet or wrapped across their laps - but this does not make us lap dogs! We are persistent in our beliefs and activities, although some mistakenly refer to this as being stubborn. We enjoy all sorts of activities but will always carry them out in our own time. We are not to be hurried, so take heed.

One of our great pleasures is walking - usually where we choose to go which is not always where the tall ones want to take us. We can cope with mountain terrains as well as woodlands but we don't go out when it is raining - so don't bother trying.

At all times, we need to remember that we are Dachshunds and must not give in to the whims and wishes of others, it will just encourage them to make unnecessary demands. Ella, the black mongrel I live with, panders to each and every visitor here in a most disgraceful way. She licks and wags her tail, making all manner of playful expressions with her eyes and ears. Some are initially taken in by her but I just bide my time and won't lower myself to her populist tricks. I am, after all, a Dachshund.

Adios amigos,


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